[John Swansbury believes this letter from Isaac was written in about 1936.]
The Oaks
My Dear Brother and Sister Just a line in answer to your splendid letter, very please to hear you are all fairly well except a little cold. Since I wrote to Elsie I have not been very well these fogs we have been haveing don't agree with my chest, my wife is not very well and Hilda very poorly Eric is fair; I am so glad you have such confidence and faith in God; Yes I agree with you in every word you say of our dear Lord and Saviour and his precious promises Psalm 17-8 David Keep me as the apple of the eye hide me under the shadow of thy wings. Yes in the shadow of his wings there is rest sweet rest, There is rest from care and labour There is rest for friend and neighbour in the shadow of his wings there is rest sweet rest there is peace there is joy exceeding full of glory; love joy and peace Heb 4v14 Let us hold fast to our profession.Sorry about Ted also Mr and Mrs Cottle Uritus is very painful I get it sometimes if you get it bad you cant sleep with it at night; your advice to Emily Cottle was very good, and to pray for them both how beautiful to pray for one another.James 5v16 The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. Oh yes Dear Brother I note you have the wrong date of your birth day April 2nd 1936 so I have coppied this out of the family bible thought it may interest you You can relie on it to be true Isaac born May 28-1865 age 71 - 1936 Rose Clara Ruth deceasedErnest Born April 22nd - 1871: age 65 - 1936Emily Born July 19 - 1872 Age 64 - 1936Minnie born Dec 22 - 1874 - Age 62 - 1936 Mary Born June 18 - 1877 - Age 59 - 1936Oliver deadWalter Born Feb 7 - 1881 - Age 55 - 1936Frederick Born Dec 29 1882 Age 54 1936 William killed I see you are the next oldest to me only seven of us liveing. we must be thankful that we are spared
With love to all of you
Your loveing brother
Isaac Swansbury