Since I haven't learned yet how to make a form that you can complete and e-mail on line directly to me (sigh...), please print, fill out and mail to the following address:

Bonnie Swansbrough


OR reply by the number of the question via e-mail. THANKS!!! -- Bonnie

1.Name of family coordinator:

2.E-mail address of coordinator:

3. Address of family coordinator:

4. At this time are you planning to attend the Swanborough Family Reunion in Wiltshire, England beginning July 28, 2000? Yes No

5. How many adults in your group?

6. How many children ages 0- 12 ?

7. How many children ages 13-18?

8. Do you wish assistance finding reasonable airfares? Yes No

9. What parts of the reunion do you plan to attend?

9a. Saturday and Sunday only

9b. Friday, Saturday and Sunday only

9c. Wiltshire Week

9d. Wales Week

10. Do you plan to rent a vehicle? Yes NoUnsure

11. How many passengers will be in it?

12. Would you be willing to transport someone without a rental car if necessary?Yes No

13. Have you any special needs in your party?, e.g. Wheel Chairs, Allergies, Diet, etc. Please specify:

14. Are there any vegetarians in your party? Yes No

15. How many?

15. What type accommodations are you seeking?

15a. Double (double bed, 2 people)

15b. Twin (2 twin beds)

15c. Single (1 twin bed)

15d. Family - varies

16. Do you require "ensuite" (bathroom in room)?Yes No

17. What price accommodations are you hoping to secure?

17a. 15-20 pounds per night per person with breakfast

17b. 26-50 pounds per night per person with breakfast

17c. 50-75 pounds per night per person with breakfast

17d. 75++ pounds per night per person with breakfast

18. Would you want to share a room with someone to reduce your costs? Yes No Maybe, depends on who.

19. Are you a smoker? Yes No

20. Do you wish to know location of non-Anglican churches in Devizes or surrounding area? Yes No If so, what faith?

21. What reunion momentos would interest you?

21a. T-shirt

21b. Sweatshirt

21c. Tote Bag

21d. Coffee Mugs

21e. Family Group Photo

21e. Other

22. Post-reunion, would you be wanting to buy a copy of the website printed out with the reunion updates (at cost)? Yes No NOTE THAT THE LINKS TO OTHER PEOPLE'S WEBSITES WILL NOT BE COPIED AS THAT IS IN VIOLATION OF COPYRIGHT.

 10 July 1999

(click here to return to Reunion page on web)