Updated January 21, 2005
[Contributed by Nigel Swansborough]
102 in the U.K.
41 in Australia
8 in the U.S.A.
7 in Canada
They do not give the number of families, and it should be remembered that one family can spread itself across several households.
From the survey, they estimate the world wide population of living people who bear the name Swansborough to be 378 (this makes us more endangered than Giant Pandas)! This figure however, does not take into account females who were born Swansborough and later changed their name by marriage.
[Contributed by John Swansbury]
About 5 years ago I searched through all the UK telephone directories in the local library and found 25 Swansbury entries. I wrote to all; some never answered and some were extremely helpful.Technology moves on, and now these directories can be searched by computer. I spent a few minutes today looking up some names on a 1997 directory... It found 91 entries for Swanborough, 44 for Swansborough, one each for Swanbrough and Swansbrough, and three for Swanbrow.
Update from John January 1999
I had to come in to work on Boxing day, and while I was waiting for a centrifuge to spin I looked up "Swansbury" on the Internet. One of the search "engines" found 229 entries - of which about 180 were the data you have entered on the family site. From obscurity we are moving to World impact!
Copyright 1998-2005, Bonnie Swansbrough
My claim of copyright extends to the original contributions that I have made to this site and to the site as a compilation of existing works.Some contributions to this site have been made by others, and they are given credit where appropriate, and they retain the copyrights to their works.