At the end of his [Lewis Swansbury] life he was a pauper and had to ask for aid from the Parish. Some of these old records have survived and are kept in the Somerset County Archives. Some years ago I transcribed about 30 entries for him, including the following:
1817 Mar 15: Pd Lew Swonbury 0/ 8/0
1817 Apr 15: Pd Lew Swansbury 0/ 8/0
1818 Dec 23: Lue Swanbrey in distrefs 0/ 0/6
1819 Jan 10: Paid Lew Swansbery in distrefs 0/ 5/0
1819 Jan 25: Paid Lew Swansbury in distrefs 0/ 3/6
1822 Apr 15: Lew Swainsbury house rent 1/10/0
Copyright 1998-2005, Bonnie Swansbrough
My claim of copyright extends to the original contributions that I have made to this site and to the site as a compilation of existing works. Some contributions to this site have been made by others, and they are given credit where appropriate, and they retain the copyrights to their works.